Catechism On The Second Article Of The Creed

Q. What is the second article of the Creed?
A. The second article of the Creed is, ‘and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord’.
And in Jesus Christ. The words ‘I believe’ are understood here after the word ‘and’. Our
Lord. Jesus is our Lord:
1. because He has redeemed us by His Precious Blood;
2. because He preserves us from sin by the Sacraments; and forgives us our sins, and
will judge us at the end of our life.
Q. Who is Jesus Christ?
A. Jesus Christ is God the Son, made man for us.
Q. Is Jesus Christ truly God?
A. Jesus Christ is truly God.
Is truly God. Jesus Christ is really God, and proved that He was so by His miracles, by
what took place at His Baptism, and at His Transfiguration; by His Resurrection from the
dead, and His Ascension into heaven.
Q. Why is Jesus Christ truly God?
A. Jesus Christ is truly God because be has one and the same nature with God the Father.
Q. Was Jesus Christ always God?
A. Jesus Christ was always God, born of the Father from all eternity.
Q. Which Person of the Blessed Trinity is Jesus Christ?
A. Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.
Q. Is Jesus Christ truly man?
A. Jesus Christ is truly man.
Is truly man. Jesus Christ is really man, because He has a human nature like ours,
consisting of a body and a soul. Our Lord proved that He had a body by suffering the
pains of the body, such as hunger, thirst, weariness, and death. He had a soul for we
learn that the sufferings of His passion and death began with His soul: ‘My soul is
sorrowful even unto death’. (Matt. 26:38)
Q. Why is Jesus Christ truly man?
A. Jesus Christ is truly man because he has the nature of man, having a body and soul like ours.
Q. Was Jesus Christ always man?
A. Jesus Christ was not always man. He has been man only from the time of his Incarnation.
Time of His Incarnation. Our Lord took unto Himself our human nature when His
Blessed Mother said to the Angel Gabriel, ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord: be it done
unto me according to thy word’. This occurred at the Annunciation.
Q. What do you mean by the Incarnation?
A. I mean by the Incarnation that God the Son took to himself the nature of man: ‘the Word was
made Flesh’.
Q. How many natures are there in Jesus Christ?
A. There are two natures in Jesus Christ, the nature of God and the nature of man.
Q. Is there only one Person in Jesus Christ?
A. There is only one Person in Jesus Christ, which is the Person of God the Son.
Q. Why was God the Son made man?
A. God the Son was made man to redeem us from sin and hell, and to teach us the way to heaven.
Redeem. To buy back, to save.
Q. What does the holy name Jesus mean?
A. The holy name JESUS means Saviour. Matt. 1:21
Saviour. One who saves others from evil.
Q. What does the name Christ mean?
A. The name CHRIST means Anointed.
Christ. The Anointed, the Messiah. Our Lord is called ‘Christ’ because He is a king, a
priest, and a prophet; the person chosen for any of these offices being always anointed.
Jesus is King of all creation; He offers Himself in sacrifice in the Mass, and is therefore a
Priest; He prophesied when on earth, and taught the law of God, interpreted His will,
and consequently is a Prophet
Q. Where is Jesus Christ?
A. As God, Jesus Christ is everywhere. As God made man, he is in heaven, and in the Blessed
Sacrament of the Altar.