Catechism On The Tenth Article Of The Creed

Q. What is the tenth article of the Creed?
A. The tenth article of the Creed is, ‘the forgiveness of sins’.
Q. What do you mean by ‘the forgiveness of sins’?
A. By ‘the forgiveness of sins’ I mean that Christ has left the power of forgiving sins to the Pastors
of his Church. Jn.20:23
Q. By what means are sins forgiven?
A. Sins are forgiven principally by the Sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation.
Principally, etc. Because sin is forgiven by worthily receiving other Sacraments, as the
Holy Eucharist and Extreme Unction.
Q. What is sin?
A. Sin is an offence against God, by any thought, word, deed or omission against the law of God.
An offence. Something which displeases, either by doing a wrong, or neglecting to do
good when we ought. We may offend God by thinking of what is bad, and desiring it, as
in the case of the fallen angels; or by saying what is bad, as in the case of cursing,
swearing, using bad language, telling lies; or by doing what is bad, as in the case of Cain
killing his brother Abel; or by omission, which is neglecting to perform our duty, as in
the case of missing Mass on Sundays. (When a Catholic Mass is available.)
Q. How many kinds of sin are there?
A. There are two kinds of sin, original sin and actual sin.
Q. What is original sin?
A. Original sin is that guilt and stain of sin which we inherit from Adam, who was the origin and
head of all mankind.
Inherit. To receive or possess, as from an ancestor.
Q. What was the sin committed by Adam?
A. The sin committed by Adam was the sin of disobedience when he ate the forbidden fruit.
Q. Have all mankind contracted the guilt and stain of original sin?
A. All mankind have contracted the guilt and stain of original sin, except the Blessed Virgin, who,
through the merits of her Divine Son, was conceived without the least guilt or stain of original
Conceived etc. Not having the slightest stain of sin on the soul from the first moment of
her existence.
Q. What is this privilege of the Blessed Virgin called?
A. This privilege of the Blessed Virgin is called the Immaculate Conception.
Privilege. A particular favour or benefit.
Q. What is actual sin?
A. Actual sin is every sin which we ourselves commit.
Q. How is actual sin divided?
Actual sin is divided into mortal sin and venial sin.
Mortal sin. That sin which causes the death of the soul. Three conditions are necessary in
order to make a mortal sin
1. the matter must be grave;
2. the person who commits it must have a clear knowledge of the guilt of the action;
3. there must be full consent of the will.
Venial sin. That sin which does not contain the conditions necessary to make a mortal sin.
No number of venial sins will destroy God’s grace in the soul or make a mortal sin.
Q. What is mortal sin?
A. Mortal sin is a serious offence against God.
Q. Why is it called mortal sin?
A. It is called mortal sin because it is so serious that it kills the soul and deserves hell.
Q. How does mortal sin kill the soul?
A. Mortal sin kills the soul by depriving it of sanctifying grace, which is the supernatural life of the
soul. Supernatural. Above nature
Q. Is it a great evil to fall into mortal sin?
A. It is the greatest of all evils to fall into mortal sin.
Q. Where will they go who die in mortal sin?
A. They who die in mortal sin will go to hell for all eternity.
Q. What is venial sin?
A. Venial sin is an offence which does not kill the soul, yet displeases God, and often leads to
mortal sin.
Q. Why is it called venial sin?
A. It is called venial sin because it is more easily pardoned than mortal sin.