Saint Pancreas

Saint PancreasPancreas a little boy of 14 years old saint, though he did not write books or displayed other gifts of his, during the cause of his existence but, he made a great impact in the history of the church. There was a time in the history of the church when persecution under Diocletian was in it prominence. Inspired by the words of his uncle Denys, little Pancras stood his grounds on his faith, he defended boldly before the emperor the cause of the Christians.
          He was beheaded by the sword on the Via Aurelia in Rome and his body was buried in the cemetery of Calepodius which afterwards took his name. And about the year 508 Pope Symmachius built a Basilica over his tomb near the Potra de San Pauerazion.

           In the 7th century, St Vitalian sent some relics of St Pancras to England and within a short period of time, the young saint became very popular. The first church erected in Canterbury by St Augustine was dedicated to him. There is also a railway station in London named after him. It was under his invocation that St Gregory the Great had previously built a monastery for Benedictines.  


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