ST. BEDE THE VENERABLE (Confessor, Priest and Doctor of the Church, 673-735)
Bede is from Northumberland a place now known as England, he studied under St. Benedict Biscop, at St. Benedictine monastery of Ss. Peter and Paul at Wearmouth-Jarrow. Bede is notable for his dedicated attitude to prayer, studies, writing and teaching. This attitude of his, is best explained in his book “Ecclesiastical History of the English People”.
His model life of virtue, gentleness, character and learning drew scholars to him, whom he impacted his virtuous ideas of life. He wrote about 40 books on chronology, history, physics, music, philosophy, medicine and poetry. He was titled “Father of English history” because of his Ecclesiastical History of the English People.
The life of Bede is styled with time of studies, teaching, and praying, to the extent that he cries when he fails in this his act of living. Notwithstanding the ill health he experienced, he persevered in his work and prayer till death.
He was declared a Saint and Doctor of the Church by Pope Leo XIII in 1899, and his remaining relics taken to the ‘The Galilee Chapel of Durham Cathedral.  
St. Bede, Pray For Us.

Saint Of The Day