ST JOSEPH THE WORKERSt Joseph is popularly known as the husband of Mary, and foster father of Jesus. He lived in the small village of Nazareth, where he shepherd and provided for his family as a carpenter. Much was  not known about Joseph, because much was not told of him in the bible.
As A Worker
It was clear that Joseph was not a wealthy person; but was able to care for Mary and Jesus by the work of his hands. He worked as a carpenter, thus he mighty had been working strenuously. It was on the cognizance of this that made Pope Pius xii to fix 1st day of May as a liturgical feast of St Joseph the worker. (1st May 1955.)
At the beginning of 1889, Pope Leo xii announced St Joseph as the patron of workers. Through the handwork of St Joseph he was able to build up the body of Christ and his holy mother Mary. Though he was poor. He now left an example for us to gain bread through the labor of our hands.
Thus the underline assumption of instituting St Joseph as patron of workers on 1st may; is to make men to recognize the dignity of labor.
All Christian’s workers are enjoined to look up to St Joseph as their patron.

Saint Of The Day