Saint for the day: ST. TURIBIUS DE MOGROVEJO

Saint for the day: ST. TURIBIUS DE MOGROVEJO
(Bishop), optional memorial

ST. Turibius was born in 1538 into a noble family in Majorca, Spain. As a little child, he prayed, fasted and even gave to the poor. He studied Law at the University of Salamanca and became a professor of Law in the same University. Eventually, he served as a judge in Granada and was appointed the President of the court of inquisition. While still a layman, he was appointed to the See of Lima, Peru, an office he could not easily accept. However, he complied and was consecrated a Bishop in 1581, at the age of 43, and he immediately left for Lima, Peru. He served, as the Archbishop of Lima, the flock of God for a period of 25 years.
He was faced with so many dangers due to the rugged and dangerous condition of his diocese. He traversed his entire diocese on foot, administering the sacraments, teaching the Catholic faith, and establishing schools, seminaries and hospitals. He is said to have founded the first seminary on the American Continent. He loved and cared for the poor and the needy.
During his ministration in Lima, he met and confirmed St. Rose of Lima.
He became so ill in 1606. When he sensed that he would die, he decreed that all his property should be distributed to the poor. He died on 25th of March 1606, and his body was found to be incorrupt the next year. He was canonized a saint in 1726, and is now regarded as the patron of native peoples' rights and Latin American bishops.
St. Turibius de Mogrovejo – pray for us.
Anthony Nkedife

Saint Of The Day