Fatima Prayer - O My Jesus

Fatima Prayer - O My Jesus

O my Jesus, 
I offer this for love of Thee, 
for the conversion of sinners, 
and in reparation for the si
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Fatima Prayer  - Oh My God

Fatima Prayer - Oh My God

O my God, 
I believe,
I adore, 
I hope and I love Thee. 
I ask pardon for those
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Fatima Prayer  - Most Holy Trinity

Fatima Prayer - Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
I adore Thee profoundly. 
I offer Thee the most precious Body, Bloo
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Prayer of the Church Concerning St. Gabriel

Prayer of the Church Concerning St. Gabriel

May the offering of our service and the prayer of the blessed Archangel Gabriel be acceptable in Thy sight, O Lord; that he whom we venerate on earth, may be our advocate before Thee in heaven.&n
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Prayer for Angelic Assistance

Prayer for Angelic Assistance

Lord Almighty, Creator of all life,
Thank You for creating the angels.
As dedicated and faithful servants,
They instantl
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Prayer To Angelic Praises of the Most Sacred Trinity

Prayer To Angelic Praises of the Most Sacred Trinity

Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts,
all the earth is full of Thy glory.
O Sacrament most Holy!
O Sacrament divine!
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Prayer to All Guardian Angels

Prayer to All Guardian Angels

O pure and happy spirits whom the Almighty selected to become the Angels and Guardians of men. I most humbly prostrate myself before thee to thank thee for the charity and zeal with which thou do
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Prayer of Praise : Psalm 113

Prayer of Praise : Psalm 113

1 Praise the Lord.Praise the Lord, you his servants;    praise the name of the Lord.
2 Let the name of the Lord be praised,&nbs
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